Firmw Samsung, SM-S146VL (TFV) | ID

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Galaxy A14 5GSM-S146VLTFV


Pembaruan One UI 6.1

Buat gambar epik

Salin dan tempel dari satu gambar ke gambar lain
Tambahkan elemen yang hilang ke gambar Anda. Cukup potong objek dari gambar di galeri, kemudian buka gambar di mana Anda ingin menempelkannya dan pilih Tempel dari clipboard pada menu Opsi lainnya.

Pencarian Galeri lebih baik
Layar pencarian telah didesain ulang agar lebih mudah digunakan. Hasil pencarian kini dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis, seperti orang, tempat, album, atau kisah.

Sesuaikan Galaxy Anda

Fitur baru mengedit wallpaper
Hias wallpaper Anda sesuka hati. Saat memilih gambar untuk digunakan sebagai wallpaper, Anda kini dapat menerapkan bingkai dan efek. Ketika wallpaper Anda menampilkan orang atau hewan, Anda dapat menerapkan efek kedalaman untuk membuat subjek menonjol dari latar belakang.

Sesuaikan peringatan alarm
Gunakan gambar, video, atau emoji AR untuk membuat layar peringatan ku...
Galaxy A14 5GSM-S146VLTFV


One UI 6.0 Upgrade

Quick panel

New button layout
The quick panel has a new layout that makes it easier to access the features you use most. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth now have their own dedicated buttons at the top of the screen, while visual features, like Dark mode and Eye comfort shield have been moved to the bottom. Other quick settings buttons appear in a customizable area in the middle.

Instantly access the full quick panel
By default, a compact quick panel with notifications appears when you swipe down from the top of the screen. Swiping down again hides notifications and shows the expanded quick panel. If you turn on Quick settings instant access, you can view the expanded quick panel by swiping just once from the right side of the top of the screen. Swiping down from the left side shows notifications.

Quickly access brightness control
The brightness control bar now appears by default in the compact quick panel wh...
Galaxy A14 5GSM-S146VLTFV


• Stabilitas dan keandalan
Perilaku perangkat telah ditingkatkan
• Keamanan
Perangkat dilindungi oleh keamanan yang ditingikatkan.
Galaxy A14 5GSM-S146VLTFV


Perangkat Lunak dan Pembaruan Syarat & Ketentuan

INFORMASI PENTING: Pembaruan ini meliputi Syarat & Ketentuan yang direvisi untuk perangkat Anda, termasuk Perjanjian Penyelesaian Sengketa dengan ketentuan arbitrase. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, tinjau
Dengan mengeklik “Instal sekarang”, dengan menjadwalkan instalasi, atau dengan terus menggunakan perangkat Anda setelah instalasi, Anda menyetujui Syarat & Ketentuan yang direvisi ini.

Pembaruan One UI Core 5.1

One UI Core 5.1 membawa ponsel Anda ke level selanjutnya dengan fitur Galeri baru serta peningkatan produktivitas dan personalisasi.


Tampilan info yang diubah
Saat Anda menggesek ke atas saat melihat gambar atau video di Galeri, Anda dapat melihat kapan dan di mana gambar itu diambil, perangkat mana yang mengambil gambar itu, di mana gambar itu disimpan, dan banyak lagi. Sekarang dengan tata le...


• Kinerja perangkat secara keseluruhan sudah meningkat.
• Keamanan perangkat Anda sudah ditingkatkan.

Catatan perubahan: SM-S146VL(TFV)

• Stabilitas dan keandalan
Perilaku perangkat telah ditingkatkan

• Keamanan
Perangkat dilindungi oleh keamanan yang ditingikatkan.

Pembaruan One UI 6.1

Buat gambar epik

Salin dan tempel dari satu gambar ke gambar lain
Tambahkan elemen yang hilang ke gambar Anda. Cukup potong objek dari gambar di galeri, kemudian buka gambar di mana Anda ingin menempelkannya dan pilih Tempel dari clipboard pada menu Opsi lainnya.

Pencarian Galeri lebih baik
Layar pencarian telah didesain ulang agar lebih mudah digunakan. Hasil pencarian kini dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis, seperti orang, tempat, album, atau kisah.

Sesuaikan Galaxy Anda

Fitur baru mengedit wallpaper
Hias wallpaper Anda sesuka hati. Saat memilih gambar untuk digunakan sebagai wallpaper, Anda kini dapat menerapkan bingkai dan efek. Ketika wallpaper Anda menampilkan orang atau hewan, Anda dapat menerapkan efek kedalaman untuk membuat subjek menonjol dari latar belakang.

Sesuaikan peringatan alarm
Gunakan gambar, video, atau emoji AR untuk membuat layar peringatan kustom Anda sendiri untuk setiap alarm. Anda bahkan dapat mengubah tata letak tempat informasi alarm Anda ditampilkan di layar.

Lebih banyak stiker untuk mempersonalisasi kalender Anda
Sekarang, Anda dapat menambahkan 2 stiker untuk setiap tanggal di kalender Anda. Stiker untuk acara sekarang ditampilkan di samping nama acara pada tampilan Bulan.

Pengaturan Kalender diperbarui
Pengaturan Kalender telah diperbarui agar menjadi lebih intuitif. Anda juga dapat mengatur warna dan gambar latar belakang untuk peringatan kalender layar penuh.

Sesuaikan peringatan pengingat
Buat latar belakang yang tepat untuk setiap pengingat Anda. Sekarang, Anda dapat mengatur warna dan gambar latar belakang untuk peringatan pengingat layar penuh.

Lakukan lebih banyak dengan kategori pengingat
Sekarang, Anda dapat memilih ikon yang mewakili setiap kategori pengingat. Anda juga dapat menyematkan kategori yang sering Anda gunakan di bagian atas daftar kategori.

Nyalakan atau matikan mode dari Layar depan
Menyalakan dan mematikan mode lebih cepat daripada sebelumnya. Widget Mode baru memungkinkan Anda menambahkan mode secara langsung ke Layar depan Anda.

Atur kembali susunan mode Anda
Sekarang, Anda dapat mengubah susunan mode yang tercantum di tab Mode pada Mode dan Rutinitas.

Terhubung dan berbagi

Berbagi dengan lebih banyak perangkat
Quick Share telah gabung dengan Berbagi Terdekat Google. Selain perangkat Galaxy, Anda kini dapat berbagi dengan perangkat Android lain meskipun tanpa koneksi internet.

Temukan perangkat Anda
Aplikasi Samsung Find yang baru memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat lokasi semua perangkat Galaxy di peta kapan saja. Jika Anda kehilangan perangkat, fitur tambahan tersedia untuk membantu Anda mencari perangkat dan melindungi data Anda.

Berbagi lokasi Anda dengan orang lain
Dengan Samsung Find, Anda dapat berbagi lokasi Anda dengan keluarga, teman, atau siapa pun yang Anda percayai. Berbagi selama waktu berbatas atau setiap saat. Anda selalu dapat mengontrol siapa yang dapat melihat lokasi Anda.

Sinkronkan Grup tab internet dengan perangkat lain
Teruskan sesi penelusuran terakhir Anda pada perangkat apa pun yang Anda gunakan. Grup tab yang Anda buat di satu perangkat akan muncul di Samsung Internet pada perangkat Galaxy lain yang menggunakan Samsung account Anda.

Kelola kesehatan Anda

Peningkatan pengalaman latihan
Dapatkan hasil latihan berlari yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya di Samsung Health untuk mengalahkan waktu Anda sebelumnya. Anda juga dapat memotong latihan setelah selesai untuk menghapus waktu yang tidak diperlukan di awal atau akhir.

Opsi lainnya untuk target aktivitas harian
Sekarang, Anda memiliki opsi lainnya untuk mengatur target aktivitas harian di Samsung Health. Jika sasaran langkah tidak cocok untuk Anda, Anda dapat ubah ke jumlah lantai yang dinaiki atau jam aktif.

Peningkatan pelacakan siklus
Apabila Anda mencatat gejala fisik dan suasana hati, opsi yang sering Anda gunakan di masa lalu, akan ditampilkan di bagian atas layar. Sekarang, Anda juga dapat mengatur suasana hati kustom jika opsi default tidak sesuai dengan perasaan Anda.

Lebih banyak peningkatan

Lebih banyak informasi di widget Cuaca
Widget cuaca akan memberi tahu Anda saat hujan badai, hujan salju, atau curah hujan diramalkan di wilayah lokal Anda.

Input suara tanpa meninggalkan keyboard
Keyboard kini tetap ditampilkan selagi menggunakan input suara agar Anda dapat beralih kembali dengan mudah ke pengetikan jika diperlukan. Ketuk tombol mikrofon di bagian bawah layar untuk memasukkan teks menggunakan suara Anda kapan saja selagi menggunakan keyboard.

Buka semua aplikasi yang diciutkan sekaligus
Tombol baru memungkinkan Anda membuka semua aplikasi yang diciutkan sekaligus saat Anda memiliki lebih dari satu jendela pop-up yang diciutkan.

Saran pencarian Google di Finder
Apabila Anda melakukan pencarian menggunakan Finder, Anda juga akan mendapatkan saran pencarian web dari Google.

Cara lainnya untuk melindungi baterai Anda
Pilih 3 opsi perlindungan yang berbeda untuk memperpanjang masa pakai baterai Anda. Proteksi dasar akan mengisi daya antara 95% dan 100%. Proteksi adaptif menjeda pengisian daya saat Anda tidur dan selesai mengisi daya sebelum Anda bangun. Anda juga dapat memilih untuk membatasi pengisian daya maksimal hingga 80% untuk perlindungan maksimal.

• Keamanan
Perangkat dilindungi oleh keamanan yang ditingikatkan.

One UI 6.0 Upgrade

Quick panel

New button layout
The quick panel has a new layout that makes it easier to access the features you use most. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth now have their own dedicated buttons at the top of the screen, while visual features, like Dark mode and Eye comfort shield have been moved to the bottom. Other quick settings buttons appear in a customizable area in the middle.

Instantly access the full quick panel
By default, a compact quick panel with notifications appears when you swipe down from the top of the screen. Swiping down again hides notifications and shows the expanded quick panel. If you turn on Quick settings instant access, you can view the expanded quick panel by swiping just once from the right side of the top of the screen. Swiping down from the left side shows notifications.

Quickly access brightness control
The brightness control bar now appears by default in the compact quick panel when you swipe down once from the top of the screen for quicker and easier brightness adjustments.

Improved album art display
While playing music or videos, album art will cover the entire media controller in the notification panel if the app playing the music or video provides album art.

Enhanced layout for notifications
Each notification now appears as a separate card, making it easier to recognize individual notifications.

More vivid notification icons
You can use the same full-color icons that are used for each app on the Home and Apps screens. You can turn this on in Settings.

Sort notifications by time
You can now change your notification settings to sort by time instead of priority so your newest notifications are always on top.

Lock screen

Reposition your clock
You now have more freedom to move your clock to the position of your choice on the Lock screen.

Home screen

Simplified icon labels
App icon labels are now limited to a single line for a cleaner and simpler look. "Galaxy" and "Samsung" have been removed from some app names to make them shorter and easier to scan.

Drag and drop with 2 hands
Start dragging app icons or widgets on your Home screen with one hand, then use your other hand to navigate to the screen where you want to drop them.


Keep pop-up windows open
Instead of minimizing pop-up windows when you go to the Recents screen, pop-ups will now remain open after you leave the Recents screen so you can continue what you were working on.

Samsung Keyboard

New emoji design
Emojis that appear in your messages, social media posts, and elsewhere on your phone have been updated with a fresh new design.

Content sharing

Picture previews
When you share pictures from any app, preview images will appear at the top of the Share panel to give you one more chance to review the pictures before sharing them.


New Weather widget
The Weather insights widget provides more information about your local weather conditions. You can see when severe thunderstorms, snow, rain, and other events are on the forecast.

More information in Weather app
Information about snowfall, moon phases and times, atmospheric pressure, visibility distance, dew point, and wind direction is now available in the Weather app.

Interactive map view
Swipe to move around the map and tap a location to view the local weather conditions. The map can help you find weather information even if you don’t know the name of the city.

Enhanced illustrations
Illustrations in the Weather widget and app have been enhanced to provide better information about the current weather conditions. Background colors also change depending on the time of the day.


Simple and intuitive design
The overall layout of the Camera app has been simplified. Quick settings buttons on the preview screen have been redesigned to be easier to understand.

Custom camera widgets
You can add custom camera widgets to your Home screen. You can set each widget to start in a specific shooting mode and save pictures in an album of your choice.

More alignment options for watermarks
You can now choose whether your watermark appears at the top or bottom of your photos.

Scan documents easily
The Scan document feature has been separated from Scene optimizer so you can scan documents even if Scene optimizer is turned off. The new Auto scan lets you scan documents automatically whenever you take a picture of a document. After a document is scanned, you’ll be taken to the edit screen where you can rotate your document to align it the way you want.

Quick access to resolution settings
A resolution button is now available in the quick settings at the top of the screen in Photo and Pro modes so you can quickly change the resolution of photos you take.

Easier video size options
A pop-up now appears when you tap the video size button, making it easier to see all the options and choose the right ones.

Keep your pictures level
When grid lines are turned on in Camera settings, a level line will now appear in the middle of the screen while using the rear camera in all modes except Panorama. The line will move to show whether your picture is level with the ground.

Quality optimization
You can choose between 3 levels of quality optimization for the pictures you take. Choose Maximum to get the highest quality pictures. Choose Minimum to take pictures as quickly as possible. You can also choose Medium to get the best balance of speed and quality.

New Auto FPS settings for videos
Auto FPS can help you record brighter videos in low-light conditions. Auto FPS now has 3 options. You can turn it off, use it for 30 fps videos only, or use it for both 30 fps and 60 fps videos.

Turn off swipe up/down to switch cameras
Swiping up or down to switch between the front and rear cameras is now optional. If you’re concerned about accidental swipes, you can turn this off in Settings.

Apply effects more easily
Filter and face effects now use a dial instead of a slider making it easier to make precise adjustments with just one hand.


Quick edits in detail view
While viewing a picture or video, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to go to detail view. This screen now provides quick access to effects and editing features you can immediately apply.

Drag and drop with 2 hands
Touch and hold pictures and videos with one hand, then use your other hand to navigate to the album where you want to drop them.

Save clipped images as stickers
When you clip something from an image, you can easily save it as a sticker that you can use later when editing pictures or videos.

Enhanced story view
While viewing a story, a thumbnail view appears when you swipe up from the bottom of the screen. In thumbnail view, you can add or remove pictures and videos from your story.

Photo Editor

Enhanced layout
The new Tools menu makes it easier to find the editing features you need. Straighten and Perspective options have been combined in the Transform menu.

Adjust decorations after saving
You can now make changes to drawings, stickers, and text that you've added to a photo even after saving.

Undo and redo
Don't worry about making mistakes. You can now easily undo or redo transformations, filters, and tones.

Draw on custom stickers
When creating custom stickers, you can now use the drawing tools to make your stickers even more personal and unique.

New text backgrounds and styles
When adding text to a photo, you can choose from several new backgrounds and styles to help you get the perfect look.

Studio (Video Editor)

More powerful video editing
Studio is a new project-based video editor, allowing for more complex and powerful editing. You can access Studio from the Drawer menu in Gallery or add an icon to your Home screen for quicker access.

Timeline layout
Studio lets you view your entire project as a timeline containing multiple video clips. The multi-layered structure lets you add clips, stickers, subtitles, and other objects and adjust their position and length easily.

Save and edit projects
You can also save unfinished movie projects to continue editing them later.

Video Player

Enhanced layout
Video player controls are now easier than ever. Buttons with similar functions have been grouped together, and the Play button has been moved to the center of the screen.

Enhanced playback speed controls
Choose between several video playback speeds between 0.25x and 2.0x. Speed controls are now easier to access with dedicated buttons instead of a slider.

Samsung Health

New look for the Home screen
The Samsung Health Home screen has been completely revamped. More information is shown, while bold fonts and colors make it easier to see the information you need most. Your latest exercise result is shown at the top of the screen, and more feedback is provided about your sleep score as well as your daily goals for steps, activity, water, and food.

Custom water cup sizes
You can now customize the size of cups in the Samsung Health Water tracker to match the size of the cup you usually drink from.


Your schedule at a glance
The new schedule view provides your upcoming events, tasks, and reminders all together in chronological order.

View your reminders in Calendar
You can now view and add reminders in the Calendar app without opening the Reminder app.

Move events with 2 hands
In Day or Week view, touch and hold the event you want to move with one hand, then use your other hand to navigate to the day where you want to move it.


Refined reminder list view
The main list view has been redesigned. You can manage categories at the top of the screen. Below the categories, your reminders will be shown organized by date. The layout for reminders containing images and web links has also been enhanced.

New reminder categories
The Place category contains reminders that alert you when you're in a specific place, and the No alert category contains reminders that don't provide any alerts.

More options for creating reminders
When sharing content to the Reminder app, you'll get full editing options before your reminder is created. You can also take pictures using the camera when creating a reminder.

Create all-day reminders
You can now create reminders for an entire day and customize the time you want to be alerted about them.

Samsung Internet

Play videos in the background
Keep playing video sound even if you leave the current tab or leave the Internet app.

Enhanced tab list view for large screens
When using Internet on a large screen, such as a tablet in landscape view or Samsung DeX, tab list view will be shown in 2 columns so you can see more information on the screen at the same time.

Move bookmarks and tabs with 2 hands
Touch and hold the bookmark or tab you want to move with one hand, then use your other hand to navigate to the bookmark folder or tab group where you want to move it.

Smart select

Resize and extract text from pinned content
When you pin an image to the screen, you can now resize it or extract text from it.

Magnified view
When selecting an area of the screen, a magnified view will appear so you can start and end your selection at the perfect spot.

Bixby text call

Customize your greeting
You can now edit the greeting that Bixby says when you answer using Bixby text call.

Switch to Bixby during a call
You can switch to Bixby text call at any time, even if the call is already in progress.

Modes and Routines

Change the appearance of your Lock screen
Set up different Lock screens with their own wallpaper and clock style for when you're driving, working, exercising, and more. Try a dark wallpaper for Sleep mode or a calming wallpaper for Relax mode. When you edit the Lock screen for a mode, you’ll see that wallpaper whenever that mode is turned on.

New conditions
You can now start a routine when an app is playing media.

New actions
Your routines can now do more than ever before, such as changing your Samsung Keyboard settings.

Smart suggestions

New look and feel
The Smart suggestions widget has been redesigned with a layout that better aligns with other icons on your Home screen.

More customization
You can now adjust transparency and choose between a white or black background. You can also set apps to exclude from suggestions.


Quick actions for apps
When an app appears in your search results, you can touch and hold the app to get quick access to actions you can perform using the app. For example, if you search for the Calendar app, buttons for adding an event or searching your calendar will appear. App actions will also appear in search results on their own if you search for the name of the action instead of the app.

My Files

Free up storage space
Recommendation cards will appear to help you free up storage space. My Files will recommend deleting unnecessary files, give you tips for setting up cloud storage, and also let you know which apps on your phone are using the most storage space.

Integrated Trash with Gallery and Voice Recorder
My Files, Gallery, and Voice Recorder Trash features have been combined into one. When you open the Trash in My Files, you’ll be able to see files, pictures, videos, and voice recordings you’ve deleted all together, along with options for restoring or permanently deleting.

Copy files with 2 hands
Touch and hold the file you want to copy with one hand, then use your other hand to navigate to the folder where you want to copy it.

Samsung Pass

Safer sign-ins with passkeys
Use passkeys to sign in to supported apps and websites. Unlike passwords, your passkey is only stored on your phone and can't be leaked through a website security breach. Passkeys also protect you from phishing attacks because they only work on the website or app where they were registered.


Smarter Airplane mode
If you turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth while Airplane mode is on, your phone will remember. The next time you use Airplane mode, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth will remain on instead of turning off.

Easier access to battery settings
Battery settings now have their own top-level settings menu so you can easily check your battery usage and manage battery settings.

Block security threats
Get an extra level of protection for your apps and data. Auto Blocker prevents unknown apps from being installed, checks for malware, and blocks malicious commands from being sent to your phone using a USB cable


Vision enhancements easier to find
The Spoken assistance and Visibility enhancements menus have been combined into one Vision enhancements menu for quicker, simpler access.

New magnification options
Customize how your magnification window appears. You can choose full screen, partial screen, or allow switching between the two.

Customize cursor thickness
You can now increase the thickness of the cursor that appears while editing text so that it's easier to see.

Learn more about accessibility
A link to the Samsung Accessibility web page has been added to Accessibility settings so you can learn more about accessibility features and our efforts to make our products accessible to everyone.

Digital Wellbeing

Enhanced layout
The main screen of Digital Wellbeing has been redesigned, making it easier to find the information you need.

More content in your weekly report
Your weekly usage report now lets you know about unusual usage patterns, your peak usage times, and how you balance your screen time.

Samsung Wallet

Digital driver’s license
You can add a digital version of your driver’s license or state ID to Samsung Wallet. Just tap your phone on a reader or scan a QR code to verify your identity before boarding a flight at select US airports. Only available for licenses and IDs issued in participating states.

Digital government certificates
Apply for digital versions of government-issued documents directly from Samsung Pay without the need to visit a government office. After your digital document is issued, you can share it or save it as a PDF.

Share tickets and boarding passes
When one person buys tickets for a group event, they can now share individual tickets with each person attending the event. After sharing, each person will be able to access their own ticket on their phone in Samsung Wallet.

• Keamanan perangkat Anda sudah ditingkatkan.

• Stabilitas dan keandalan
Perilaku perangkat telah ditingkatkan
• Keamanan
Perangkat dilindungi oleh keamanan yang ditingikatkan.

Perangkat Lunak dan Pembaruan Syarat & Ketentuan

INFORMASI PENTING: Pembaruan ini meliputi Syarat & Ketentuan yang direvisi untuk perangkat Anda, termasuk Perjanjian Penyelesaian Sengketa dengan ketentuan arbitrase. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, tinjau
Dengan mengeklik “Instal sekarang”, dengan menjadwalkan instalasi, atau dengan terus menggunakan perangkat Anda setelah instalasi, Anda menyetujui Syarat & Ketentuan yang direvisi ini.

Pembaruan One UI Core 5.1

One UI Core 5.1 membawa ponsel Anda ke level selanjutnya dengan fitur Galeri baru serta peningkatan produktivitas dan personalisasi.


Tampilan info yang diubah
Saat Anda menggesek ke atas saat melihat gambar atau video di Galeri, Anda dapat melihat kapan dan di mana gambar itu diambil, perangkat mana yang mengambil gambar itu, di mana gambar itu disimpan, dan banyak lagi. Sekarang dengan tata letak yang lebih sederhana.


Dengan mudah Anda dapat meminimalkan atau mengalihkan ke layar penuh
Anda sekarang dapat meminimalkan atau memaksimalkan jendela aplikasi tanpa membuka menu opsi. Cukup seret salah satu sudutnya.

Akses aplikasi Anda yang paling sering digunakan di layar terpisah
Saat Anda memulai tampilan layar terpisah, aplikasi yang paling sering Anda gunakan akan ditampilkan di bawah aplikasi yang terakhir digunakan untuk membantu Anda menemukan aplikasi yang Anda perlukan dengan lebih cepat.

Mode dan Rutinitas

Ubah wallpaper berdasarkan mode Anda
Tetapkan wallpaper berbeda berdasarkan aktivitas Anda saat ini. Pilih satu wallpaper untuk bekerja, satu untuk berlatih olahraga, dan lainnya.

Lebih banyak tindakan untuk rutinitas
Tindakan baru memungkinkan Anda mengendalikan Quick Share dan Sensitivitas sentuhan, mengubah nada dering, dan mengubah gaya font Anda.


Akses cepat ke informasi berguna
Periksa peringatan cuaca buruk, ringkasan cuaca harian, dan waktu matahari terbit/terbenam di bagian atas aplikasi Cuaca. Grafik suhu sekarang menggunakan warna untuk menunjukkan perubahan suhu sepanjang hari.

Grafik curah hujan per jam
Grafik per jam sekarang menunjukkan berapa banyak curah hujan yang turun pada waktu yang berbeda dalam sehari.

Ringkasan tentang widget Cuaca
Ringkasan singkat tentang kondisi cuaca saat ini kini muncul di widget cuaca untuk memberi tahu Anda apakah cuaca cerah, berawan, hujan, atau bersalju.

Samsung Internet

Pencarian yang ditingkatkan
Pencarian Anda sekarang menyertakan nama folder bookmark dan grup tab. Logika pencarian yang ditingkatkan memungkinkan Anda menemukan apa yang Anda cari bahkan jika sesuatu tidak dieja dengan benar.

Perubahan tambahan

Periksa level baterai perangkat Anda
Widget Baterai baru memungkinkan Anda memeriksa level baterai perangkat Anda, langsung dari Layar depan. Anda dapat melihat sisa baterai di ponsel, Galaxy Buds, Galaxy Watch, dan perangkat yang didukung lainnya.

Gunakan hingga 3 emoji di Emoji AR Kamera
Ambil foto dan video seru bersama teman Anda dalam mode Masker. Anda dapat menetapkan emoji berbeda untuk wajah setiap orang.

Saran pengaturan
Saat masuk ke Samsung account Anda, saran akan muncul di bagian atas layar Pengaturan untuk membantu Anda membagikan, terhubung, dan meningkatkan pengalaman di perangkat Galaxy Anda.

• Kinerja perangkat secara keseluruhan sudah meningkat.
• Keamanan perangkat Anda sudah ditingkatkan.

Kami merekomendasikan penggunaan utilitas Samsung sendiri, Samsung Smart Switch dan OTA (Over-the-air), untuk memutakhirkan perangkat. Gunakan situs kami hanya jika Anda 100% yakin tentang risiko yang terlibat dalam mem-flash perangkat Anda SM-S146VL: TFV. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan file di situs web ini.
Firmwares yang disediakan di sini adalah semua Firmwares Android resmi Samsung dan BELUM dimodifikasi karena kami mendapatkannya langsung dari server KIES.
Kami memantau langsung semua pembaruan firmware untuk setiap perangkat Samsung, di lebih dari 500 wilayah.
Hati-hati, mem-flash firmware secara manual dapat merusak perangkat Anda, gunakan dengan risiko Anda sendiri dan ikuti langkah-langkah tutorial kami.

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