[Infographic] 3-Door Convertible French Door Refrigerator – Great Looks, Greater Food Storage

Extra food to store but not enough space in the refrigerator to stack up all? We know what it feels likes to move food items around in the refrigerator to make space for something extra.

The new 3-Door Convertible French-Door Refrigerator comes with an array of interesting features while seamlessly amplifying the aesthetics of your kitchen. The convenient and convertible freezer lets you add more space for refrigeration by simply pressing a button for 3 secs.

While advanced Twin Cooling™ Plus technology manages the fridge and freezer separately to minimize temperature fluctuation, its Power cool and freeze technology reduces the waiting time for you to cool your summer drinks and dispenses ice quicker than usual.

The minimal water dispenser ensures cold water without having to open the fridge, from an in-built water tank of 4litre capacity – it saves space in the refrigerator and also, stores the coolness of water intact.

But that’s not all! To offer convenience to store more fruits and vegetables, it sports Large Crispers with capacity of 21.7 L each and Bigger Door Bins that can easily hold 2 L bottles. The refrigerator also comes with Digital Invertor Technology that makes your refrigerator energy efficient.

Check out the amazing features of Samsung’s latest 3-Door Convertible French Door Refrigerator.


Home AppliancesInfographics3-Door Convertible French Door RefrigeratorsFrench Door RefrigeratorsSamsung
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