[What’s Cooking] Surprise your Loved Ones with this Melt-in-Mouth Nankhatai Recipe

Last Friday, we shared the recipe of super crunchy Almond cookies to commence the festivities. This week too we will share the recipe of yet another super soft and yummylicious shortbread biscuits—Nankhatai.

These classic biscuits can now be baked with ease in your own Samsung Smart Oven. Here’s the recipe.

Cooking time: 24 minutes | Serving: 400 grams


Refined flour: 100 grams
Powder sugar: 100 grams
Ghee: 100 grams
Semolina: 100 grams
Nutmeg powder: ½ teaspoon
Cardamom powder: ½ teaspoon
Fresh curd: 1 teaspoon
Soda Bicarbonate:  ¼ teaspoon
Saffron: ¼ teaspoon
Milk: 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

1. Sieve the flour
2. Cream the ghee and sugar very well until light and creamy
3. Add the cardamom and nutmeg powder and mix it again
4. Dissolve the saffron in 1 teaspoon of milk
5. Add the curd, soda bicarbonate and prepared saffron
6. Mix well
7. Add the flour and semolina and knead well
8. Make a small round
9. Select an autocook program and put the crusty plate on the high-rack in the microwave oven
10. Press START/+30s button. Display shows  ‘preheat’ at this step
11. When the microwave beeps, take out the crusty plate
12. Put mixtures on the crusty plate on the low-rack
13. Put them in microwave oven and press START/+30s button
14. Once cooked, cool the biscuits
15. Serve them.

[To explore a world of delectable recipes, download Samsung My Recipes app on your smartphone]


Home AppliancesFriday RecipeMicrowave recipesSamsung Smart Oven
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