Empowering Minds: Cultivating a Culture of Mental Wellness at Samsung R&D Institute-Delhi

Educating employees about common mental health issues and holding open discussions is an important part of promoting awareness.

At SRI-Delhi, the mental health of employees has always been a top priority. Taking active steps to cultivate a mentally healthy culture, SRI-Delhi conducted a week-long awareness campaign called “झमेला – The Joyous Chaos” to highlight the significance of various mental health facets and to make it more commonplace among the employees. All the events planned during this week witnessed an overwhelming response from the employees. Their enthusiastic response made the event a huge hit.

The celebration kicked off with SRI-Delhi’s first ever street play “Mind-it”, which was conceptualized, written and performed by the employees. The intent of the street play was to emphasize the prevailing stigma surrounding mental health and help the audience understand the severity of various psychological disorders. The narrations and the songs made the street play rather relatable for the audience, leaving a lasting imprint on people’s minds.

The second day of झमेला was a fun-filled ‘Mind Fair’ based on the theme – Mental health is a universal human right. It was divided into three zones: 1) Assessment Zone had psychological assessments to know one’s personality and check stress levels; 2) Expert Advice Zone included a quick consultation with a graphologist and a colour therapist. 3) Stress-Relieving Zone stimulated all the senses with fun activities like sensing box, sand trays, bubble booth, punching machine, and pottery wheel. The Mind Fair was a true representation of the name “झमेला – The Joyous Chaos” as it was chaotic yet full of joy.

On Day 3, an organization-wide “myth buster quiz” was conducted to create awareness about the myths and stigma of mental health in order to build an informed healthy workforce. A touching episode of HUMANS marked the closure of our 4-day long mental health event – झमेला. The HUMANS episode provided a platform to SRI-Delhi speakers Amit Kumar Jaiswal, Head of Application Software Team, and Gurpreet Singh Nagi, Senior Chief Engineer, TV Product Group, to share their incredibly rousing life journey and their secrets of maintaining calm in chaos, leaving the crowd propelled and moved.

झमेला evoked an understanding among employees to be more open to mental health issues and seek required support. However, creating awareness on mental health is not a day’s job, and SRI-Delhi will continue to persistently drive such initiatives to enhance the understanding of employees in this domain.


People & CultureSamsungSamsung Research Institute-Delhi (SRI-D)
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