Solvers from Season 2 of Solve for Tomorrow are ambitious about building Solutions for a Diverse and Inclusive India

The search for India’s top young innovators reached its next exciting phase with the announcement of Solve For Tomorrow Season 2 top 30 finalists.

Despite being a new addition to the themes, Diversity & Inclusion garnered great ideas from India’s young innovators. Here are solvers from Season 2 of Solve for Tomorrow who are ambitious about building solutions for a diverse and inclusive India.

Team Tridev

Hailing from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Team Tridev comprises of Vaani Pathariya, Anubhav Pal, and Vanshika Jain. The trio is determined to work for the inclusion and well-being of the hearing impaired. The team wants to achieve this by creating a web-based AI-powered app that facilitates diverse means of communication for people with hearing problems.  Representing Team Tridev, Vaani, shared her expectations with Solve For Tomorrow, “I wish to network with people who want to bring positive change in society and learn the ins and outs of innovating with a purpose. My biggest aspiration is to become an entrepreneur.” 

Team Milaan

Team Milaan is an all-boys team from Delhi comprising Utkarsh, Rakshit Kumar, and Yash Kumar Jarwal. The team wants to work to solve the issue of the massive rise in missing children, approximately 200 per day. The trio aims to prevent such incidents and unite those missing to their families through Milaan, an android-based app to help the guardians. Utkarsh from the team shared their focus and goals with their SFT journey, “Our focus is developing our app, and we believe with SFT’s funding and exposure, we’ll be able to make it a reality. We look forward to learning from IIT, Delhi experts innovate for a better India.”

Team Musketeers

Team Musketeers is a collective of Pratyaksh Dhairya Panwar, Shakti Singh, and Bhasha Tyagi from South Delhi. The team seeks to address the communication barriers faced by the hearing-impaired through AR glasses capable of converting audio to text in real time. The glasses will be integrated language modeling and translation algorithms to convert the transcribed text into different languages. Pratyaksh from the team shared the team’s overall goals with the competition, “I am passionate about innovation, and SFT is a popular platform among our circles at IIT, Delhi. We aspire to make a positive impact with our innovation and become entrepreneurs eventually.”

Team Dreamers

Team Dreamers is driven by the passionate one-woman army Radhika Todi from Assam, who aims to give students power over their careers and reduce the rising skill gap across India. Her vision is to create a tripartite platform that will help fresh graduates upskill in their desired domains, teach them how to apply these skills in various scenarios, and present their ideas in a corporate scenario.

Team TouchPad

TouchPad is the brainchild of Malathi M, C Ganesh Ram, and Vishwa Kumaresh from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The team wants to empower the visually impaired beyond the limits of Braille in facilitating reading for the visually challenged. Using an electromagnet-based mechanism, they have conceptualized a tactile display pad that can convert images and texts into Braille in real time. The all-boys team seeks to develop a cost-effective, user-friendly, portable tactile display that seamlessly integrates into daily life.

Team BhashaX

BhashaX is the passion project of Krish Yadav from Nagpur, Maharastra. Krish conceptualized his innovation after observing the impact of language barriers on an individual’s education, especially in future-tech domains. In today’s global society, education is dominated by major languages such as English and Hindi, leaving no scope for those who only know vernacular languages. Krish’s project, BhashaX, seeks to change the scenario with a source-to-source interpreter that will allow coding in any language.


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