[SFT Season 2] 2 Months, 17 Cities and Thousands of Enthusiastic Youth Brimming with Innovative Ideas

Samsung’s flagship CSR initiative, Solve For Tomorrow’s Season 2, came back with a bang this April. With 70,000+ registrations from across the nation, the registrations closed on 31st May 2023.

The top 30 teams in the program, will get to undergo a 5-day bootcamp at IIT Delhi to further work on their innovative ideas.

But before that, let’s rewind and glance at the Solve For Tomorrow roadshows that were held recently across 17 cities. As part of the SFT awareness drive, Samsung conducted education and innovation roadshows in Prayagraj, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Patna, Jammu, Bangalore, Pune, Guwahati, Chennai, Bhopal, Delhi, Hyderabad, Rajkot, Gorakhpur, Mathura and more.

The roadshows were attended by thousands of students from esteemed colleges and universities, such as the Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University (Hyderabad), Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), SRM Institute of Science and Technology (Chennai), and more.

Here are some glimpses from the roadshows where India’s youth showed up with great innovative ideas to create a better tomorrow for all.


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